Last week I was babysitting... as I will be through this month and then hopefully the lady I'm babysitting for will be going to full-time. It's not that I dislike watching her kiddo but I know her family could really use her being full time and once she does that they will move her to days which I work days too so I'll be unable to babysit any more.

Well I happened to have about everything around the house though not many chocolate chips so I took some melting candy and broke it up and threw it in too.
They were interesting. They weren't bad but very soft! I ended up putting the ones we didn't eat that same night into the fridge because I was afraid they'd go bad otherwise.

I finished up sewing my microwave potato bags for the ladies at work. Today (Wednesday) is actually our luncheon so I was cutting it close.

So the ladies in the area and myself have started something called...
Stitch N' B* (fill in the blank).Where we meet once a month and we all work on our various crafts and talk.
Brielle wants to make bags for her friends for the holidays and we even bought the fabric but I had never used the pattern before so I cut up a pair of old slacks that couldn't be donated and made one out of them.
I even recycled one of the back pockets to make the inside pocket and removed the zipper from the slacks and used it on the purse!
Peter was rather impressed with what I did with his old pants.

Saturday Brielle worked on woodburning an item she got for one of her friends for the holidays. She did a really good job for her first big project so we just need to find some time to finish it up.
Sunday we brought out the decorations and at least got the tree up though haven't gotten anything else really done. A few other things out but nothing put together right yet. It's all pretty chaotic!

Monday the folks I babysit were able to get a different babysitter for that evening so we could go to the Homework Diner with Katherine.
It's something our school got a grant for where we have dinner at the school (yum school food *cough*) and then have homework time.
Katherine really wanted us to go for the last few months but this is the first time we've made it out.
This was Monday's schedule.
Monday got pretty messed up because when I took Brielle to get to where they were picking up for the field trip we found out the bus had already left but that wasn't on us that was the instructor so the kids carpooled with some of the parents.
I then tried to go to Aldi then realized they don't open until 9am so then I went to Walmart (I try to avoid there but it is cheaper to get my oil done there) and after I handed them the keys to get my oil done I asked how long it would be and they informed me it would be 2 hours!!
Determined not to let this set the tone for the day I went over to Subway and got a breakfast sandwich, some coffee and sat down with my coupons and started to organize and go through them.
While at the doctors office for my 2pm appt I get the phone call that Brielle is actually going to be at the school at 2:15 to be picked up even though I had 3 o'clock wrote down. Thankfully wasn't in for long it just was my B-12 injection but it was 2:30 before I could get down to pick her up.
This was Tuesday's schedule. It was pretty packed but most of the stress was making sure everyone was where they needed to be and then I tried to help out at the Extension Service Holiday Extravaganza.
The kids made crafts and enjoyed themselves though when we got home it was back onto school work and getting ready for bed.
Thankfully I had thrown stuff in the crockpot for this night.
Goes absolutely crazy again. We were suppose to go to the cooking Holiday Extravaganza but then I got told that there is an Orchestra Concert and also Katherine has a field trip with Champions Club which is through the school.
Needless to say this has been and will be one heck of a week!
Pretty straight forward with babysitting and I will help Brielle get started on her sewing project while Peter is out at Friday Night Magic.
I will also start cooking because the cookies I make take two days because the dough has to be chilled.
We have a potluck... thus the cookies so I'll be making cookies that day and whatever else I can whip up and then that afternoon we'll be going to a Christmas Potluck with friends.
Sunday.... I think it's open! OMG!
Anyways that's what's going on ... that's why no post recently though not a lot of excuses last week.
I'm still alive and kicking!!!.... Barely!