Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Spiced Angel Food Cake
December Catch-up Post
I hope everyone had/is having a happy holiday no matter what you celebrate. (I'm making this very clear because I'm about to go off on the school district they started sending out emails that make them look like bigots. I'm not kidding it was was bad for any non-Christian and that was coming from a public school!... But that's a rant I won't go into right now.)
Let's focus on the positive so we had a great holiday and we are hoping for a great start to the New Year and I hope everyone else starts their New Year off right too!
I also took both girls down to get glasses. Brielle had to get replacements it was just time though her prescription didn't change too much I do try and keep up with it.
Katherine got glasses for the first time. She fought me at first so I let her go without and then she mentioned she had to move up in the classroom to see better and she admitted she needed them. It is easier when they aren't fighting you and I'm glad she came to the realization pretty quick on her own.
Katherine is in the red hat at her band concert!
I apparently don't have pictures loaded up yet of Brielle at her concert but she had one this month too AND I played with my adult class grouped up with the 6th graders! Yes, my stomach was doing flip but I sure as heck did it!
Stitch 'n' Bitch group got together for our first Holiday Party! We went to the next biggest city over in Indiana and had Thai food and then spend the day in the craft store looking at things, being silly and generally just having an awesome time!
I took both the kids to the Science Museum. I had some free passes for us to get in and while we didn't stay long we went because I promised to take them to the star viewing. They have a portable planetarium they blow up and we all go inside and discuss the stars we can see in the winter sky.
The kids always enjoy this particular trip so even though we were having a rough busy day I made sure to fit it in with them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Busy Monday, December 14
It is actually Tuesday the 15th and I'm at work but not feeling 100%. Things are getting crazy busy. Yesterday I had to drop medical forms off at the middle school because they lost them. Went out to lunch by myself and reorganized my coupons. Went in for my monthly shot. Got groceries and had to pick up Brielle after school because she had to stay over to catch up on some work.
This past weekend Friday Katherine had her first semi formal dance. Saturday, I got both my girls glasses... First set for Katherine and an updated prescription for Brielle. Peter and I went to a friend's birthday party on Saturday and on Sunday we went to a Shakespearean reading of Starwars.
Last night Brielle worked on cookies though Peter and I had to jump in as she was taking too long because the cookie gun wasn't working well because the constancy of her dough was off.
Tonight Katherine has her band concert, tomorrow Brielle has her orchestra concert. Thursday I have my works xmas party. Sunday it is the Stitch 'n' Bitch Christmas party.
Monday- pork, peas, potatoes.... Turned into rotisserie chicken instead because the pork went bad
Tuesday-Royal Round
Wednesday-3 Ingredient Chicken Tacos
Thursday- Breakfast
Saturday- ? I know I got something I just can't remember what lol
Sunday-Pulled Pork
Monday, December 7, 2015
Busy Monday, December 7
Again not hitting up the traditional layout. I'm trying to get coffee down me and get a hold of the car lot before I make an hour and a half drive down there for them to change out my windshield.
A friend lost his mother last week so last week I was trying to help watch their home while they were dealing with the arrangements for all that. I only met the woman once but heard so many stories from him and his fiance about her so my heart really goes out to them.
I have more orchestra classes this week but I believe this is the last week but there are talks of another School Orchestra Fundraiser to do this again in the new near so you know I will be there.
I have a Christmas Dinner party for work I need to attend later this week so I have to figure out what I will have prepared for the children and hubby since I'm suppose to be there at 5:30. It sounds like a good crockpot night to me since Brielle can handle the pasta.
On Saturday....
....we went down to the riverfront and walked around and did some shopping at the Holiday Stroll and then stuck around for the town's official lighting of the tree.