Today's 'To-Do' List
- Pay Bills
- Make lesson plan for 4-H STEM Meeting
- Go to the Post Office
- Go by the craft store
- Work on the house
- Decide if I'm going to go into work for a little bit (knowing me probably not but it'd be smart to)
- Food .. for the sake of posting this up sometime today since it's taken me on and off all day I will just say I will make sure food is served this week. What type? Well that will depend on how tired I am each day.
This Week's 'To-Do' List
- Tuesday
- I have a dentist appt I have to leave work for. They never called up to schedule me it's no been over a year since I've been and noticed one of my teeth looks like it has a cavity (sighs). I have very thin enamel I'm suppose to be at the dentist 3 times a year.
- Wednesday
- 1 pm I have to be at the Orthodontist to go over stuff for Katherine getting braces. She's already had the initial appointments to get pictures and stuff of her teeth so this is just to discuss treatment.
- 4:30 pm is 4-H STEM Club. I will hopefully have everything ready for them to make little stick fans that I'm printing off from NASA's website that has information and a place to poke out the pinhole for the eclipse on next monday. (I will not be blogging that day)
- Thursday
- 4pm Orthodontist appt for Brielle
- Friday
- Probably take kids down for Pokemon Club. I'm assuming Peter will play cards but we will probably have one of Katherine's friends spend the night Friday and Saturday night.
- Saturday
- Katherine's birthday! Big 13!
- Go to Holiday World all day. It is also their Christian Rock Festival and the last performance is Skillet so yes we will be at the amusement park all day!
- Sunday
- Sleep in hopefully.
- Get Katherine's Friend Home
- Get ready for the work week
I'm not sure what to say about last week. The kids started back school. My oldest pulled some stuff so we're dealing with personal nastiness that may result in us sending her away... Really don't want to go too much into that. Life isn't all peaches and cream sometimes it gives you cow pies.
Hmm... I'm getting ready to can some more because I have a lot of cucumbers I need to go ahead and use.
A few weeks ago I canned up 30 lbs of tomatoes. I made salsa and then I turned around and made spaghetti sauce. And very stupidly I opened a lid without gloves so the skin is still peeling from my right hand index finger. There for awhile my hand was pretty wrapped up and I can't tell you how many things I defrosted trying to take the heat out of my hand. It was pretty bad.
We had our back to school bash bbq no pictures this year. We were all pretty busy with stuff and it was pretty last minute we decided to go ahead and do it so I took the Friday off before as a vacation day and we hauled stuff to the dump and worked our tail ends off trying to get things to an acceptable level. It was a beautiful day! And if I didn't have to block off the carport due to sun for the movies for the kids I wouldn't have even needed a fan.
Hmm what else have I done since last being on.... Thrown stuff in on a garage sale a couple weekends. Oh one weekend was horrific for temperature.
The kitchen is now done. It's still disorganized and dirty so no pictures but I have handles on my cabinets so I can open things finally. We just need to start moving back into the house again and I need to turn in the storage building before we have to pay for another month.