In any case I bit the bullet and I arranged Brielle's appointment with the dentist to have those baby teeth extracted. I've waited off about as long as I could but I want to get this done so we can start treatment with the orthodontist. I was able to get an appointment on what is suppose to be a Snow Make-Up day so hopefully between now and then it doesn't snow. I also went and wrote a letter to the school board asking on how I should go about petitioning for a change in their policies because right now if I take Brielle out of school for an appointment even with a note from the doctor than she still loses her participation points which hurts her grades and she receives a tardy for the day. I think it is a ridiculous policy and this is the e-mail I sent.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Titles are not my forte - Another day?
In any case I bit the bullet and I arranged Brielle's appointment with the dentist to have those baby teeth extracted. I've waited off about as long as I could but I want to get this done so we can start treatment with the orthodontist. I was able to get an appointment on what is suppose to be a Snow Make-Up day so hopefully between now and then it doesn't snow. I also went and wrote a letter to the school board asking on how I should go about petitioning for a change in their policies because right now if I take Brielle out of school for an appointment even with a note from the doctor than she still loses her participation points which hurts her grades and she receives a tardy for the day. I think it is a ridiculous policy and this is the e-mail I sent.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Back from Thanksgiving Break
Welcome back people.
This ham my husband is cutting... yes it is the fault of this monstrous thing! One of our normal guests for Thanksgiving showed up with this the night before and while I figured out when to fit it into the oven I forgot to adjust the cooking time for everything else.
Just last night (Sunday night) I used the ham bone to make a stew that apparently Brielle and I like but not so much Peter and definitely not Katherine. It was an experiment with food and it stretched it out and gave me a weeks worth of lunches.
Our little side table and I should have taken better pictures of my pumpkin pies. This year I actually had one of the crust rings that I got from my grandfather when we went and visited (sadly he doesn't have use for those things as they were my grandmother's). So this year my pies looked wonderful and no blackened crust!
Here's Katherine rolling out some lefse. I didn't let the girls do very many it was a lot of work and a lot of time but I was definately trying to involve the girl and I hope next year I won't be so tired so I can get them in on more of the process so that it is a tradition I got from my great-grandmother and hopefully it'll stay within the family passed through my girls because I'm the last person making it in my family.
Brielle rolling out her lefse she tried MUCH too hard to make it too thin LOL we were trying to clean dough out of the cotton covers after that.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday 'To Do List' Deadline
Monday, November 19, 2012
Return to the 'To Do List'
Here is the list I started with:
Goals before Next Tuesday
Make Menu for next weekGrocery ShoppingClean Coffee MakerClean Stove GratesPlan Thanksgiving Food Cook Times- Keep up on laundry & dishes - continuous
Clean Fronts of Kitchen CabinetsClean Oven- Clean Bathroom
- Dust Living room (also listed vacuum but that will be an on going thing it is Fall after all)
- Clean off random items from flat surfaces (vague but if you are disorganized like me it'll make perfect sense)
- Put up Thanksgiving decor
Clean doors & hallway walls(one of these days I will get the time to paint the hallway, primer just attracts every type of grime)- Return Kara's PC (For those that don't know my husband is the resident computer guru so we constantly have computers coming in and out of here - it's also what he does for a living outside the home)
- Clean Kids' Rooms
Plan Crafts for kids(The girls are getting to the ages I can start teaching them how to cook some but mommy might rattle a few screws loose if they are underfoot the whole time)Fix Screen DoorRake up leaves- Clean Window bases (need more coffee you know that wood part at the bottom of the window)
Clean off side porchClean microwave- Give Blacky (our dog) a bath
Friday, November 16, 2012
To Do List - Day 3
Day 3 of trying to tackle this 'To Do List' no additions to the list today but boy did I think about it.
I've got a rough idea of food cook times but not crossing it off my list til I have it set it stone. I also went grocery shopping and got the rest of the food for Thanksgiving but again not crossing it off my list because I still need food for meals that aren't Thanksgiving next week.
Items done:
Clean microwaveClean doors(though not perfect I found out some were only primed and until all this construction lately I hadn't had a reason to give them a good scrub so I know one of my tasks for this Summer now)Clean Hallway Walls
I attempted the Money Saving Mom task of taking down and cleaning all the ceiling light covers and ceiling fan blades but after nearly cracking my head open I barely got 2 more done before my nerves were shot standing on that step stool so perhaps some other time but for now I'm going to guess no one is going to be looking up and inspecting my lights.
While trying to take care of this list I'm noticing little things fall behind in my general cleaning which is bad! Tomorrow the children are going over to a friend's house for a play date and I'm going to try and get some more done around the house after perhaps some running around with my husband since we never get out together without the kids. I'm thinking Target I want a new potato ricer and they have a Starbucks in there.
It's not sounding very impressive and I'm disappointed with myself but I need to remind myself I lose a good chunk of my day going to work and this morning it was even more hectic because Katherine forgot part of her homework at home so I had to run it out to the school.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
10 Min Drawer Challenge
Okay THIS will be funny I'm going to do the 10 min challenge from the other day from Money Saving Mom and going to pick out the messiest dresser drawer in the house (and trust me it was a hard decision!) Yeah I see this turning BAD since I already know that after losing my laundry room I lost all sense of organization as it's a just a huge PILE O'STUFF it was relatively organized before the room got tossed so yeah I'm predicting an epic fail with my house being a giant mess that I will have to pile all back into the drawer LOL
So I picked out the messiest drawer in my house which happens to be in the dresser in the kitchen where things get sweeped into when trying to quickly clear off surfaces for company (I'm bad like that). It was suppose to be a 10 min challenge but I ended up doing 15 because I was giving my youngest daughter a spelling test at the same time. If I don't multitask I'd never get things done.
So here's the drawer before:
Scary hu... It's very random.
So here's after 15 min. Needless to say it's NOT done.
To Do List - Day ?
I put some Cheesy Chicken in the crock pot this morning before heading off to work so thankfully other than making pasta dinner is already done.
Work was... Stressful. Lots of requests, walking around checking equipment and research. It got to such a point I had to skip my 10 min. break which is when I normally eat something for lunch real quick so I didn't get to eat til I got home this afternoon. I had the shakes pretty bad by time I got home.
Moving on...
From my To Do List posted the other day.
Rake yard(I only did the front yard but that was all was really worried about at the moment)Clean off side porch(I decided to not shoot for perfection because I wasn't going to get it with some of Peter's computer cases out there and no good place to store them so I got them into a corner and positioned a chair in front of them LOL)
- Clean microwave
- Give Blacky (our dog) a bath
To Do List - Try this again
Alrighty, so yesterday I wrote up my 'To Do List' and then proceeded to go on a ramble. Silly me, I blame the lack of sleep the last few days since Peter has a sinus infection I've been listening to the windows rattle in their place with his snoring!
Here's the goal list and I'll cross off what I got finished yesterday and star the items newly added. I'm expecting to go through this process of add and subtract for awhile.
Goals before Next Tuesday
- Make Menu for next week
- Grocery Shopping
Clean Coffee MakerClean Stove Grates- Plan Thanksgiving Food Cook Times
- Keep up on laundry & dishes - continuous
Clean Fronts of Kitchen Cabinets- Clean Oven
- Clean Bathroom
- Dust Living room (also listed vacuum but that will be an on going thing it is Fall after all)
- Clean off random items from flat surfaces (vague but if you are disorganized like me it'll make perfect sense)
- Put up Thanksgiving decor
- Clean doors & hallway walls (one of these days I will get the time to paint the hallway, primer just attracts every type of grime)
- Return Kara's PC (For those that don't know my husband is the resident computer guru so we constantly have computers coming in and out of here - it's also what he does for a living outside the home)
- Clean Kids' Rooms
- Plan Crafts for kids (The girls are getting to the ages I can start teaching them how to cook some but mommy might rattle a few screws loose if they are underfoot the whole time)
- *Fix Screen Door
- *Rake up leaves
- *Clean Window bases (need more coffee you know that wood part at the bottom of the window)
- *Clean off side porch
I also took care of the suggested task by Money Saving Mom and wiped down/sanitized all the door knobs last night.
Lots left to do and lots I'm thinking about right now. I need to try and take it a step at a time but it's kind of like watching an accident the moments right before something bad happens (kid runs into the window or something) it's like 'nooooooooo' slow motion and that's how I'm feeling about Thanksgiving right now. I need to get time back into perspective.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
To Do List turns into explanation of how to make lefsa?
It's a two day process for me. I will peel, cut and boil about 5 lbs of potatoes and then I will go through the process of ricing them.
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Potato Ricer |
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My big pot for cooking potatoes |
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My big mixing bowl |

After the potatoes are riced you add the other ingredients (heavy whipping cream, butter, salt, sugar and lots of flour). Mix this well then roll it into balls. Needless to say you have to coat your hands in flour quite a lot because there is nothing like flour and potatoes to stick to everything!
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Lefsa dough rolled into balls |
Refrigerate til it is cool (I normally do it over night because I will be cooking it all day Wednesday.
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Griddle and pastry board and tools |
Alright so far? Well now you coat your board with flour (I have mentioned this uses a lot of flour right?) and coat your cotton covered rolling pin and you roll it out til it's pretty darn thin like at least as thin as a tortilla if not thinner if you can manage it and then you put it on a preheated griddle (oh 400+ degrees). The idea is to quick fry not to 'cook' really.
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Lefsa and much deserved glass of wine |
I'm not sure why I went on a lefsa spiel. I guess I'm a little nervous it is the most complex thing and it is the most anticipated item by everyone.
I guess I should stop rambling and get myself off to work.
Happy Wednesday folks we are half way through the work week!
**All pictures are from Last Years Lefsa ~ No I have not made it yet this year!**
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tackling Thanksgiving
Messed up morning
Well I'm at work wading through morning emails, file updates, etc.
It was a rough morning first Katherine really wanted to wear one of her favorate shirts and I told her that she could but she had to wear long sleeves under it because it has decided to finally turn cold in Kentucky. All this turned into a fiasco and she ended up missing her bus and I had to drive her down to school.
Then this morning, after I got back, Peter and I had a serious conversation with Brielle about her school work and grades because we hadn't really made it a point to confront her on her mid-80's grades in a couple classes. We want to make sure she at least stays near the 'A' range otherwise she'll be unable to participate in Jr. Beta and we know she really enjoys it and all the extra chances it gives her to get out and volunteer more. Part of the problem is that she's in Algebra which is a 9th grade class and she's in 7th grade so she's not used to the homework load and the back to back tests.
Needless to say it was a pretty big mess today. So, after all this mess I get just about to work and realize that I forgot to start dinner in the crockpot! Tuesdays are my bellydancing class nights so I try to make sure dinner is in the crockpot so that when I leave for class the family has dinner... oops.
So the plan is to get out of work (wrinkles her nose at her still updating PC), go pay the tags on both cars and then go start something for dinner. I have figured out what quite yet but I'l figure it out.
Well looks like that enough playing on my cellphone I need to research why AutoCAD is being a pain to me today.
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Monday, November 12, 2012
I'm not perfect but I'm blessed
I was thinking to myself that I'm blessed to be able to make dinner for my family. I really dislike the house, I'm more of an outside person but sitting here complaining about being able to put something on the stove is also kind of silly. I remember when my husband and I were in college and struggling trying to pay bills and even to have a moment to ourselves and when popping a TV dinner in the microwave was common place and even on our menu! We've come a long ways from that and I'm very thankful. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I think we all like to have a meal from something other than the microwave even if it does still come from a box.
I am blessed that that my work gives me flexible hours and that I only have to work part-time (even if my job can be very stressful and unpredictable) and that my husband has found a good job. We are not well off by any stretch of the imagination but we are getting by okay which means that we can put out that helping hand to our friends and family at times as we have always tried to do.
I'm not perfect nor is my family. I'd like everyone to know there are a lot of working moms out there that work a lot more hours than I do but all of us that try to go out to our day jobs and then turn around to take care of our families deserve a pat on the back and this little blog is my way to vent but also my way to show that you're not alone!
My house isn't perfectly clean. I'm not organized. I'm always running around like a chicken without a head. My children make mistakes, make messes and otherwise are causes for worry, stress and joy. My husband and I have our arguments though I am thankful that we generally work them out and if not at least we are grown up enough to drop them and move on.
You won't see pictures of some place with one item out of place and me crying out "Oh I must clean this today." My couch is stacked with laundry and it won't take long to find where I don't get to dust often.
I don't do home cooked, organic meals. I grab a box maybe some seasonings and I go with it! My meals don't come out looking like they were from Martha Stewart. Case in point, tonight I set off off the smoke alarms!
My family thinks I'm perfect but then again I've taught them how to lower their standards! :)
Just my thought for this evening now to go crunch through some VERY crispy taco shells :)
This is a day off? Why do I feel like I'm working?
Well today was a paid holiday for me so I tried to get what running I could done today. Things left on my list were paying for the car tags (I drove down there but of course they were closed I should have figured that out) and I haven't even started on the laundry other than getting it washed & dry.
I made an extra stop today over at Walmart because I had a little bit of time before needing to be at the school to pick up the Pepsi. I picked up a couple frozen burritos that I thought I had a coupon for but apparently I was so happy with seeing the word 'free' that I failed to recognize they expired but I bought them anyways because I didn't feel like spending the time to have them taken off my ticket at self checkout. It was worth the $4 for me not to go through that headache and I picked up my husband some undergarments since he mentioned the other day that he was down to 4. Which would be why I seemingly never ran across his clothes while doing laundry.
I also added on the task of fixing the bathtub drain it was bugging me though I did have to get a hold of my husband to ask him how to take apart our new drain. Now I'll just need to scrub out the tub. Nothing like a stopped up drain to annoy a girl but all fixed now.
I normally have my menu and couponing done on Sunday but it took them until 10 o'clock for Kroger to fix their ad online. That's okay I was able to pair up a few good items and I have probably 80% of the shopping done for Thanksgiving. I'm holding off on things that might go bad over the course of the next week. I should be getting the company gift card for Thanksgiving next week too so I'm hoping that will cover the cost.
I spent $81.45 so over all I don't think I did poorly (also a case of bottled water that didn't make it into the pic because I was in a hurry to unload). With any luck, even with me hosting Thanksgiving, we won't go over our grocery budget. Boy I hope not because we are over our eating out budget by a lot due to everything that has happened this month.
Well time to go get the hamburger meat separated so that I can start dinner and I need to get the laundry switched around. I should *knocks on wood* only have 2 loads left to wash and I will be 99% caught up (never 100% unless everyone is standing around naked).
Sunday, November 11, 2012
You have reached the number of Mom please leave a message after the beep
Mom took the day off today. My goal was to never get out of my nighty and to play video games and sit around all day! I succeeded!
Mom took the day off and things didn't burn down though it is almost 12 and I'm playing a bit of catch up.
Mom went back on duty when she went into the fridge and realized she forgot to freeze a 2 lb pork loin last week and it went bad! Thankfully it was sealed but I was so disappointed with myself. Peter came over and gave me a hug and said it was okay. So that made me start digging in the fridge. I normally make it a ruitine that at least once a week I go through clear out the little bits of left overs that didn't get ate well I found 3 containers that apparently found a good hiding spot and had taken on a new life of their own! My day off was over and this evening mom went back on duty by scrubbing out the fridge and then just working on general chores before the work/school week starts again tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Veterans Day so tell a Vet how much you appreciate them. It's a paid holiday for my work so I'll be trying to get shopping done and whatever other little things I can fit in.
Successful Birthday Party
I never did get the backyard cleaned up I was too stressed trying to get the kids' rooms taken care of and my house wasn't pristine, you wouldn't see it in any magazine but the party was a success and as far as I can tell all the children left tired and worn out from an afternoon of play. The adults got to talk and later in the evening we played video games together (yes we have an odd sort of friends they are like big kids and we love it).
I am very happy that I could help out a friend by offering up my home for their daughter to have her party. I pulled out my box o' birthday supplies so we had a banner and plates and even a fun table cover. It all went about as perfect as it could and I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to play a small role in it.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Organization? Nope not yet
So my 'To Do List' isn't wrote out pretty and it is never short. I still ended up doing the no-no of shoving papers in a drawer though at least I was able to go through a chunk and throw away a bunch of old school papers from the kids and collect up my samples and find the random coupons floating around with the samples.
Perhaps I would have succeeded but today is my husband's birthday so after work I went to have lunch with him and then he wanted me to go to the mall with him to look at a coat it was expensive but something he's been looking at getting for some years so I told him to go ahead and get it. He just came over and told me 'Thank you' apparently he had a good birthday so that is a success.
So today's list:
-Shampoo the carpet in the playroom
-Vacuum the carpets
-Clean the living room
-Clean stove grates
We had company come over with their kid so that took up the living room so I couldn't clean in there so I will have to do that tomorrow too late to start pulling out the vacuum. And because of having an extra kiddo here I left the shampooing alone so that they could play.
I made a big dent in the laundry but still behind on getting it folded and put away. I'll get back there eventually but things just haven't been off since I lost my laundry room folding area.
Tomorrow I volunteered to let a friend have their kids birthday party here so I need to finish the cleaning and go out and clean up the backyard because it is suppose to be 70 degrees so the hope of the parents is that we can kick the kids out to the yard and let them run wild out there.
I could have perhaps got more done but Peter has been wanting me to spend time with him so I've been playing video games for the past hour LOL it's him and me time so we enjoy it and it makes him happy.
Turns out the team leader position at Peter's work is opening up soon so he's a bit stressed by that hope it passes we'll be fine either way but I'm not going to lie I hope he gets the position.
Well there's my day in a nutshell. I hope everyone else is having a good evening.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Rosemary Hair Tonic
*Warning: Do not drink this if you are afraid that you or someone else has drank it then please contact poison control. Rosemary in high doses can be poisonous.
Never enough hours in the day...
During the slow part of my day I did ask a friend about where his daughter's birthday party was going to be and they still hadn't found a place since their home is much smaller than even mine so I offered for them to use mine. I'm happy that I can help out a friend and their lovely daughter though I am a little stressed at the idea that I need to try and get my house back up to snuff for lots of little kids. I've been needing to catch up around the house just hadn't planned to have it done before Saturday.
I got home this afternoon and raked all the leaves in the front yard to the curb (the backyard is another matter!), got the plants in the greenhouse watered and noted I need to hurry up and get those grow lights.
I've started the hair tonic for my oldest daughter, Brielle. Incase you don't already know, Brielle has extremely thick and greasy hair and you'd be surprised on how hard it is to find products for greasy hair. When going through one of my herb books the other month I found a hair tonic to help degrease and I've had her use it once and while it isn't a miracle cure it does help. I'll make a posting later about this hair tonic incase anyone else has this sort of problem. It uses a bunch of rosemary so you and your house will be scented!
Working on dinner right now as I asked Peter to pick up my youngest daughter, Katherine, from school so I could get things done. I won't have dinner on the table at 5 like I try to but it shouldn't be too late at least.
Lacking Motivation
Halloween! Well I kept up just enough motivation to push myself through making Katherine's costume and finding a couple things for Brielle though she chose to re-wear last year's costume.