Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Cleaning Challenge: W2/D2

Well yesterday was 'Busy Monday' and lots of things got tacked on to my Busy Monday so the top of the fridge was a bust for me but there is always today. Yup still working in the kitchen.
Today is what you call the most annoying day ever. Taking all the pots and pans out of the cabinet and cleaning the cabinets out. I love the fact I have a little hand vac for these awkward jobs. Also, it allows me to reorganize though I never get rid of any pots and pans. How I hoard them is something of a modern marvel but I swear they all have their purpose and get used at least once a year.
This would also be an excellent time to scrub down the fronts of the cabinets from drips and drops. We will see.
I may be only challenging myself and I've seen lots of little failures but I have to remember that if I get anything done at all that's

(By the way this is just my odds and ends cabinet I have 4 more stuffed! I told you I'm hoarder level with my kitchen stuff but I'd be very sad without it!)


  1. Okay, I'm jumping in and joining you in this challenge today. I'm going back to week one and seeing how far I can get today :)

  2. Don't worry, I didn't do much yesterday since the first thing was clean high places and poor little me couldn't reach so had to go to Target and buy a Swifter extender thing (see what you did? LOL!). I'll be sure to pace myself though.

    1. I use a swiffer extender too. It makes getting on top of door frames a breeze as well as other places. I actually bought some cloth a while back for a pattern I found to make a washable pad for it. I need to get onto that soon. I have found I highly dislike thee dollar store type personally. I have a lot of nicknacks and it likes to get caught.
