Today's 'To-Do' List
- Write Blog
- Make Menu
- Make Grocery List
- Grocery Shopping
- Lunch with Peter
- Work on the House
- Work on anything else I can accomplish notta clue what I am going to be able to get done today as it seems everytime I make a plan something else comes up or takes longer.
- Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
- Slow Cooker Chicken & Rice (new recipe)
- Hamburgers, baked beans & chips (maybe I'll find something healthy to throw in there too if I can find some salad that would be good)
- Slow Cooker Pork Roast with Garlic, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
- Pizza
- Fish Sticks/Chicken Nuggets & French Fries (hold over from last week had to use up leftovers one day)
- ?? - Eat out potentially?
This Week's 'To-Do' List
- M-F School/Work (well Tue-Fri for work for me)
- Mon
- Music Class 7-8pm
- Tue
- Public Library - Anime Club from 6-7pm for kids
- Parent/Teacher Conference 4-6pm
- Wed
- Public Library - Pumpkin Painting from 4-7pm for kids
- Thur
- Brielle - Ears, Nose, Throat Doctor to look at tonsils to see if they need to be removed due to their enlarged size. 4pm
- Music Class 7-8pm
- Fri
- Peter's Card game 6-11pm
- Sat
- Game Day at card shop (unsure if anyone is going to attend this)
- Peter is discussing having a card game at our home this evening.
- Sun
- Unsure of the hours but we will be at the local orchard where they have rides set up from this past weekend's festival. The hospital has rented out the farm for the employees and their families to go.
The kids were on Fall Break all last week but we had to work so the kids got to sit home pretty much all week and twiddle their thumbs.
Wednesday they were able to get a ride from one of their friend's mom to the 4-H day that was taking the place of this month's STEM club.
I was very thankful for that because a week of them just sitting home is just not good for anyone.
Friday, the kid's Halloween Party was happening which I was totally not prepared for because it was so early in the month. I got off work and went home and went straight to decorating cookies. Normally I do a lot more for this party but I just really had no time trying to juggle everything. I also didn't get any pictures of the party or kids and neither did anyone else. I suggested we do it but I think everyone was waiting for one lady we've all deemed is going to be late to her own funeral. Which I had a picture of but I lost it apparently. It was just my classic witches hat cookies. Some shortbread cookies, some frosting and some hershey kisses.
Saturday, I picked up my best-friend Johanna and we drove out to a little town about half an hour away because they were having a big grand opening sale with what was suppose to be large discounts on their machines. Sadly even with their machines the cheapest serger they were selling was $2k which was not in my budget. None of it was really in my budget but I would have figured something out if I found something at a good price. Babylock machines are not in my price range though and I didn't know that was all they would carry.
It was a great concert.
Sunday, our easy day Peter and I went out to Meijer where they had coupons that was getting us a lot of free food which I will be doing again later today and freezing the extra bread we get. We then went out for lunch because I had a coupon to Penn Station that made it affordable for us and then headed over to Goodwill which was closed still so I had a coupon to Baskin Robbins and with some prodding from Peter we went over there and were fat people. During this time I got a message from the lady that they were at our house to purchase some clothes I was selling which we weren't suppose to meet until after 1 o'clock so I was a bit peeved by that as we rushed across town again. I got the items sold and then Peter and I headed to Goodwill on our side of town instead of the nice new one. Luckily I think we found everything we need for Halloween other than I need a wig still. I'm still questionable about the top we got though since I was planning to wear leggings which means leggings without anything covering my bottom at all. If it was any time other than Halloween that would be an absolute NO but I probably can get away with it for Halloween since I'm going as Peggy Bundy from Married with Children. We were able to get my additional stuff (I had found the shoes a few weeks ago) and Peter's stuff for about $10. The most expensive part is going to be getting me a wig but I'm going to use Amazon points for that so it isn't coming out of pocket.
Well that was my week. I hope everyone had a good week and has a good coming week!
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