Today's 'To-Do' List
Take Brielle to SchoolWrite this BlogBreakfast with Hubby & FriendMake MenuGet Groceries- Clean up around house
- Gym?
- Brielle to Orthodontist
- My Orchestra Class
- Salmon/Chicken, Carrots & Rice (held over from last week)
- Steak, Potatoes & Salad
- Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
- Spaghetti w/meatballs & Salad
- Chicken & French Fries
- Chili Mac
This Week's 'To-Do' List
- Standard Work/School for the week
- Tuesday
- 4-H Homemakers Club
- Wednesday
- Free?
- Thursday
- Orchestra Class
- Friday
- Peter has FnM - Katherine may go to play Pokemon
- Saturday
- Peter was talking about a card draft I am unsure if that is happening or not
- Sunday
- Free?
Hmm I'm going to have to pull up my calendar and facebook to try and remember. How bad is that I can't remember things from one week to the next.
I will say I made it down to the gym 3 days last week though it was only for 30-60 minutes just whatever I could fit in and work was stressful and looks like it will continue to be stressful. There's a lot of things to get done and there aren't a lot of people and everyone else seems stressed so that doesn't help my stress.
The kids went to STEM 4-H where they dipped candles and talked about temperatures and layering.
Friday Peter went to FnM like normal but this time took Katherine again and they had a great turn out for Pokemon. All the kids had fun and the adults said the kids were pretty good so that is great to hear.
Saturday Peter took Katherine to her shoot meet and I went to Stitch N Bitch (SnB). I painted a jar. Why? Because I could and I didn't want to start any bigger project. I spent a part of the day Saturday outside working in the greenhouse. It was in the mid-60's and we had all the windows open it was so warm!
After SnB my friend Allison and I went to a fun painting thing where I drank wine which I think is apparent by my sad looking tree and we painted which is something we had never done before so it was fun.
Saturday night Brielle went to go spend the night at her friend's house and then the next day we all met up for her friend's birthday party at the bowling alley and we bowled (I did horrible!) and played air hockey (I was considerably better at this).
Last week was pretty hectic and I was getting out of work at weird hours so I was slipping in 30 minute workouts (closer to 60 at the gym due to having to change and everything) which was perhaps better than nothing and I shocked my system little by having very proportioned and healthy meals through the week though the weekend kind of ruined that one for me.
Weather outside is dropping temperature again and I'm antsy for spring but everyone is thinking we are going to get Febuary snow. Seeing how we haven't really gotten any other snow for the year I'm not sure how I feel about that one.
Oh and I'm starting a new book. I'll have to remember to write something on what I think about it.
Hope everyone has a great week!
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