Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fall Cleaning

So Fall is right around the corner! This weekend in fact!  Depending on where you are in the country it may not feel like it but our days will very soon be shorter than our nights as we move on towards Winter.

When we think of Fall we think of cool Harvest nights, pleasant days and being able to fling all the windows open after a stuff Summer trying to keep the cool inside and before the chilling cold of Winter when we try to keep the warmth inside. At least that's what I think of.

Spring and Fall by far have to be my favorite seasons because of the pleasant temperatures and the crisp morning air. But as I said before Winter will be around the corner and we'll be huddled in our houses wishing for warmer temps as children or relatives attempt to find out what makes us tick and therefore push every button we've got... or is that only me?

I look at Winter like I look at a long car ride. I've got a bunch of people crammed into a little space for an extended period of time that I have to keep happy otherwise it'll be a miserable journey. So I look at my house as if it is a car and I never start a roadtrip with a dirty car because that spells disaster.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to challenge myself and welcome others to join in to do a deeper cleaning of my home.

My thought process is pretty simple. Start from the top and work your way down. Now of course some things will have to be redone. Like vacuuming, it's a never ending process in Fall! but the idea is just go a little bit above and beyond. So if I suggest something and you think to yourself, "Well I do that regularly anyway." Then think of something in that general area that you don't do regularly and tackle that.

I will also like to note I will not be going for perfection. I will be going for good enough. It sounds kind of like a defeatist method but for myself, personally, I find I'm not so hard on myself and if I can do a little better than 'good enough' then I will try very hard to do so but if I find life has decided to get wonky and busy I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

Week 1 

In this week we will focus on the Tops of our homes and high up places that we perhaps don't normally reach up to. 

Week 2 & 3

We will focus on Horizontal places and spaces above our knees and below our head. These are the places we deal with the most often.
These particular weeks could take you less time or more time. You could find it extremely easy or very hard. So don't beat yourself up! I almost just made this 1 week and then I thought about it and every part of me started to cramp up and panic when I thought of the amount of work required the truth about me and Time my dreaded foe!

Week 4

Floors, baseboards and more OH MY! Yes, this last week we'll be dealing with the dreaded floor monster that is a never ending process but we'll try to get a little


After some careful thought into the matter and glancing through my past blogs I realize there are some crafts that I enjoy doing with the girls that really make Fall feel like it is here and yet apparently I never blogged about them! Well in my defense my blog is still young.
So with that said I'm going to try and work out a schedule for crafting items with the kids and then post up directions to the best of my ability.
I'd also like to do some posts about outside but I might be overloading myself. I'll work out a schedule for things to the best of my ability but like all parents sometimes what I schedule the rest of life throws a fit about from time to time and life with the family in tune can be quite loud and obnoxious when it comes to demanding my attention.


  1. Oh, I like this although not the cleaning part ;) but I think I'll have to play along. I love your analogy of winter being like a long car ride.

    1. LOL Play along at your own pace... wait then you'll zoom past me! I'm going to try very very hard not to overwhelm anyone let alone myself. So trying to really narrow down the days to a realistic level. :)
